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If uncomfortable bloating, constipation and smelly gas are a part of your daily life, chances are you’ve been looking for relief… Did you know symptoms such as these often reflect a deeper issue related to your gut bacteria? For this reason, getting to the core of the...
The key to your health is locked in your DNA. By analysing your DNA we can learn a lot about your health, and most importantly tailor a personalised diet, supplement and lifestyle program to optimise your wellbeing and unlock a more vibrant you. Genes are made up of...
As we enter the season of spring – pollens, allergens and antihistamines become the talk of the town. But did you know that you may have year-round histamine intolerance? Histamine is an organic compound involved in several essential bodily functions where...
Our bodies are covered in microbes – both on the inside and the outside. These microbes change depending on the niche of the body and the local conditions. Generally, commensal microbial communities fend off incoming pathogens, improving the health of the local body...