Vivienne Wang

Accredited Practising Dietitian

Specialising in PCOS, Fertility, Prenatal Nutrition and Eating
APD, MDiet, BSSc (HumanBio)

Vivienne is an registered Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) with a passion for all things women’s health – specialising in PCOS, IVF, pregnancy, and disordered eating.

With her own experience dealing with PCOS and binge eating in the past, she believes that we are all unique and provides personalised nutrition advice to best support individuals in optimising their physical and mental health.

She offers medical nutrition therapy for people struggling with getting conceived and eating disorders with holistic counselling and care. She guides each client through the counselling process for:

IVF preparation
Egg freezing
Thyroid conditions
MTHFR mutation
Recurrent miscarriage
Pregnancy of multiples
Pregnancy complications: gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, morning sickness, etc.
Postpartum weight loss
Tailored nutritional supplements
Eating disorders

Vivienne will guide you and support you through each step in making dietary changes during this significant period of your life. You’ll receive a clear nutrition roadmap and personalised supplement plan tailored to your fertility goals and treatment plan. She will build your confidence for self-management by improving your understanding of how nutrition can work for you.

Vivienne accepts referrals from Specialists and GPs under Medicare and private health insurance for rebates.

Vivienne works at the Windsor clinic but can also help you from anywhere via Telehealth.

To find out more information or book an appointment with Vivienne, see below.

Phone: 0424 799 033
Email: [email protected]
Website and Booking:

Bachelor of Human Biology – University of California, San Diego Master of Dietetics – Swinburne University of Technology
Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD), Registration Current
Early Life Nutrition Alliance – Certified Fertility and Prenatal Dietitian
The National Eating Disorders Collaboration – Credential Professional Development Package Eating Disorders and Dietetic Practice (CBT-E, ACT, MI, HAES) – 2022

Contact the Practitioner

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