Sandra Tenge

Naturopath & Nutritionist
Sandra Tenge is a Naturopath, Nutritionist, Herbalist and Health Educator. She integrates her knowledge gained as an Intensive Care nurse with over 25 years’ experience working with gut health, food intolerance, allergies, sensitivities and the gut-brain connection. Sandra works with herbal and nutritional medicine, diet, gut directed hypnotherapy and meditation and specializes in a range of functional medicine testing.
Food sensitivities and gut health conditions may be hard to recognise as their symptoms can vary from one individual to the next. As the founder and principal practitioner at Pure Wellness, Sandra offers a comprehensive approach to identifying and managing food intolerance, IBS, SIBO, dysbiosis and anxiety by supporting the gut-brain connection and restoring the microbiome.
Known as ‘the IBS Naturopath’ Sandra conducts food intolerance and gut microbiome testing alongside other functional medicine testing. After identifying problem foods, or other gut conditions, she design’s a treatment program incorporating tailored recipe guides, offering all the support needed to restore gut and nervous system health naturally. Sandra also uses Herbal and Nutritional Medicine to greatly improve immune health, hormonal imbalance, reduce fatigue, lower stress, insomnia and anxiety. Sandra treats both children and adults from her clinic in Melbourne or through telehealth consults internationally and through her online programs.
Sandra is also available for media engagements, interviews and podcasts and is commonly asked to speak at events.
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