Skin Specialist
With an impressive 21 years in the beauty industry, Lilly was lucky enough to start her career under renowned plastic surgeon Dr Niamh Corduff where she learned hands-on and gained experience with many different laser technologies, medical strength treatments, and cosmeceutical ranges. And she trianed then under esteemed plastic surgeon Mr Allan Kalus for 15 years where she continued to upgrade her knowledge and hands-on skills.
Lilly loves everything about skin, health, and well-being and is excited to share her experience and knowledge with you.
Lilly began her career in 2003 – suffering from acne on and off throughout most of her life, she knows how it feels to have skin issues, and how it can affect your self-confidence. As a result, has always wanted to help people with their skin. Lilly’s biggest compliment is seeing clients gain confidence as they go through their skin journey.
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